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Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

Within the Curriculum

At Our Lady Immaculate School, we have a fully inclusive curriculum that is designed around books, themes and topics - making meaningful links between subjects and experiences where possible.  We take our safeguarding responsibility very seriously and therefore safeguarding is an integral part of the curriculum. This is underpinned by our PSHE curriculum and focuses on safeguarding learning on themes such as forming healthy relationships, understanding British values, developing friendships, consent, bullying, respecting difference and belonging. We aim for our children to acquire skills, knowledge and understanding that significantly impact personal development, behaviour and welfare, equipping every child with the knowledge and skills required for personal safety. 

Practical safeguarding opportunities are planned into the curriculum for all year groups. For example:

  • Road safety (including cycle training through bike-ability) through external providers
  • Water safety which is reinforced through swimming lessons
  • Fire awareness including visits to the local fire station
  • Pantosaurus NSPCC Talk Pants sessions, help children understand how their body belongs to them
  • Visits to school from external professionals such as medical staff, police etc
  • Junior Citizenship scheme focusing on stranger danger, safe travel, drug awareness and first aid. 
  • Work with secondary schools to ensure and plan for safe transition to Secondary school
  • Safe use of technology including password security and privacy settings which is further reinforced through the school’s e-safety curriculum 


Our Staff build relationships with our children based on trust and respect, enabling honest conversations to take place without fear or judgement. Children know that we are a ‘telling’ school; that they can tell us any worry and they will be listened to. 

Our Collective Worships and PSHE sessions are used to promote safeguarding matters and explore specific themes or issues. Staff and children are quick to challenge stereotypes and the use of derogatory language in lessons and around school.

Throughout the curriculum, there are opportunities to promote all forms of equality and foster a greater understanding and respect for people of all faiths, races, genders, ages and disabilities. Time is taken at the beginning of every new school year to reaffirm our Learning Principles and, throughout the year, our RESPECT code is used to support our safeguarding learning.